1617 – 2017

400 years since the first Italianate music and dance performance beyond the Alps


February 4 - 5, 2017



The interdisciplinary academic conference on the 400th anniversary of the extraordinary performance Phasma Dionysiacum Pragense, which took place on February 5th, 1617, at the Prague Castle. The significance of this performance and its anniversary make it a timely opportunity to renew not only academic, but also the public’s interest in it (the last time a conference about the performace was held was in Brno in 1993 at the incentive of prof. Miloš Štědroň). 

On the day of the 400th anniversary of the performance of Phasma Dionysiacum Pragense there will be a unique meeting and interdisciplinary debate beneath the Prague Castle between scholars and artists, who will present what they have learned about the piece and the social events that accompanied the premiere. The conference will highlight the remarkable cultural-political significance of this event, and it is also an important step on the path towards the recreation of its premiere performance in July 2017.

The meeting of scholars and researchers in history, languages and literature, music, theater, art, and dance will explore and confront various aspects of the creation and realization of this celebration from a historical perspective (the historical context of this event on the eve of the Thirty Years’ War, its connection to the Italan tradition of music and dance performances, the European theatrical and dance scene at the time, the iconographical exposition of preserved engravings, literary analysis of the libretto, etc.), as well as an implementational perspective (translation and interpretation of the Italian libretto, selection of period instrumental music and reconstruction of lost local music, choreography and directorial questions, staging and costume design). The authors who are currently preparing the recreation for its premiere in July, 2017, will share their processes and methods. Conference participants will thus have a unique opportunity to see select practical demonstrations of their work on the recreation.

After the conference on Saturday, on Sunday there will be a guided tour of the Old Royal Palace of the Prague Castle, where the Phasma Dionysiacum Pragense was performed on this day exactly four hundred years ago. 

We are anticipating the publication of a conference proceedings.  


Preliminary conference program 


Music and Dance Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague (HAMU),
Malostranské náměstí 13/258, Praha 1

Conference focused on the general context of the Phasma Dionysiacum 1617 performance and new ways of its recreation 

9:30-10:00           Registration

10:00-10:15        Miloš Štědroň: Opening speech

10:15-10:45        Petr Maťa: Historical Contexts of the Prague 1617 Carnival Performace

10:45-11:15        Sylva Dobalová - Ivan P. Muchka: The Phasma Dionisiacum Pragense and the Mystery of Contemporary Vedutas

11:15-11:45        Gerrit Berenike Heiter (AT): The Different Editions of the Phasma Dionysiacum Pragense in the Context of other Festival Books
                                            for Court Ballets in Europe (1573-1651) 


11:45-12:00       Coffee Break


12:00-12:30        Kateřina Bohadlová: Phasma and commedia dell’arte: Italian r(R)evelations at the imperial court

12:30-13:00        Helena Kazárová: Phasma Dionysiacum Pragense in Context of the Manneristic Court Culture


13:00-14:00        Lunch   


14:00-14:30        Eva Kröschlová - Kateřina Klementová:  Manneristic balletto fo the Legendary Heroes and Heroines and Ways to its Revival

14:30-15:00        Markéta Stormová: Questions of the Phasma Dionysiacum Costume Design

15:00-15:30        Miloš Štědroň: Music historical context of the Phasma Dionysiacum Pragense

15:30-16:00        Miloslav Študent: Phasma Dionysiacum Musicae 2017 – Historical Grounds of the Modern Reconstruction of music for PD 


16:00-16:15        Coffee Break


16:15-16:45        Marek Štryncl – Václav Krajc – Jiří Bláha: Possibilities of Realization of the Phasma Dionysiacum Pragense in the Florea Theatrum, dismountable baroque theatre

16:45-17:15        Lorenzo Charoy (FR-IT): Reconstruction vs. Creation: Questions of the Scenic Adaptation of the Phasma Dionysiacum Pragense


17:15-17:30        Final discussion. 


Sunday, February 5th, 2017

Old Royal Palace, Third Courtyard of the Prague Castle, Praha 1


9:30                       meeting at the 1st Courtyard of the Prague Castle


10:00-11:30         Guided tour of the Old Chamber of the Prague Castle, 

where Phasma Dionysiacum Pragense was performed four hundred years ago.

We will visit together  other places of the Prague castle which are linked with

the performance as well as with the proceeding festive events of the 1617.

Our guide will be PhDr. Ivan P. Muchka from the Institute of Art History

of The Czech Academy of Sciences.


Conference languages: Czech and English

Conference fee: 60,- EUR (students: 40,- EUR).

Application deadline: January 22nd, 2017

Accomodation: we are able to offer a limited number of places at the AMU Hotel  (Tržiště 18, Praha 1) 
for 2 nights (February 3-5, 2017), just two steps from the conference venue:


Single room: 30,- EUR / person / night

Double room: 25,- EUR / person / night

The sooner you send your Application form, the better chance you will have to get the AMU Hotel Accomodation!
Please consider the limited number of rooms and, if possible, the possibility of staying in a double room.  


If you have any questions, please contact konference(AT)phasma-dionysiacum .cz


Looking forward to you!


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